
Can you spot a scam? Find out how well you know 6 common scams in S'pore
Does the job offer sound too good to be true? Take our “scam detector” quiz to find out how good you are at spotting a scam.
How can you act against scams? MHA outlines 3 steps you can take
Add security features, Check for signs, and Tell the authorities and others about scams.
Types of rental scams and how to avoid them
Scammers typically impersonate legitimate agents by using their registration numbers.
Is it safe to click on a link sent by entities on the anti-SMS spoofing registry?
Getting listed on an anti-spoofing registry may soon be mandatory for organisations that use SMS sender IDs.
Love Scams
Phishing Scams
At least 877 people duped by fake buyers on Carousell since December
Between January and November, 975 victims were duped by this phishing scam variant with at least $938,000 lost.
Phishing scams involving OCBC customers: Teen reoffended while on probation
He worked with others to source for and provide control of bank accounts to unknown persons.
51 phishing scam victims in S'pore lost more than $37,400 in July alone
Victims received SMS messages an embedded link from senders posing as Iras.
What to do if your Instagram account has been hacked?
Synopsis: This is a special-edition podcast series by The Straits Times to raise greater public awareness of the modern scourge of scams in Singapore and globally.